DVDs, Inpainting Kits, Glue, and Steel Wool: Now Available!

During the lull I have during Mike hard at work editing our upcoming Foundations video and before wading deep into Issue Two (and working on my Fisher book), I finally found a moment to add some new products to our e-store.

10 Essential Furniture Repair DVDs

First off, the ’10 Essential Furniture Repairs’ DVD produced by Popular Woodworking shows the most basic repairs I’ve employed to make a living restoring antique furniture. Although it’s not a shortcut approach, I did select some of the more straightforward (and less specialized) repairs to demonstrate.

You can do this.

From loose joints to severed tenons to white rings in an old finish and more, this DVD should bolster your confidence to make repairs that both respect the integrity of antiques (so as not to diminish their value and character) and perform solid and long-lasting repairs. The DVD can be purchased here on our store.

Touch-up Kits

We all run into scratches, nicks, and dents that could use just a little color to make it blend in. In the DVD, I show you how to do this. Because I know most folks don’t have these materials at hand, I foolishly decided to put together a handful of starter inpainting kits to get viewers started. This kit consists of premixed shellac, denatured ethanol, earth pigments, lightfast dyes, and artist brush, and a palette. These colorants are so powerful that unless you do touch up day in and day out, this kit should last your entire career. These materials are very expensive and I’ve never seen a basic kit offered for anything under a few hundred dollars. Now I know why. Between the cost of bottles, containers, raw materials, and paid labor to help put these things together, I think I might break if I sell them all. As such, the value of this kit is ridiculous. I just can’t justify charging the $200 this thing should be. Needless to say, this is the only time these kits will be for sale. If you don’t buy one now you won’t be getting one in the future.  Get your starter inpainting kit here. $85 is a steal.

Other Materials

Although I’m not getting into selling materials, I know that some of the products I discuss people have never tried and are hesitant to buy in large quantities. So I decided to offer some small quantity “trial” sizes for people to test out. If you like the product, then feel free to buy in bulk from regular distributors. If you’ve never tried Liberon #0000 steel wool, I’ve got it in a trial size of 5’. I’ve also listed hide glue by the pound (including a ‘just add water’ liquid hide glue granule mix). Check those out here.

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