While Mike has been hard at work giving a face lift to various pieces in the studio, I've been working hard to polish things up here on the website. See, when I migrated my blogging from the Workbench Diary to here back in March, it took a little getting used to. Not only did I already have my writing and photo editing process down but I also had slowly developed a sidebar to have the features I felt were most helpful to my readers. I always like an “About” section. Being able to search the blog for keywords is helpful. Then I had a blogroll which I loved because it served as a one stop shop resource to check in on all the blogs I read faithfully. I liked the blog because it had an effective commenting platform too.
So when I shifted my blogging over to my Mortise & Tenon Shopify e-store, I lost a lot of stuff I liked. The first thing I did was change the commenting because I appreciate how nested direct replies facilitate more conversation and that each user owns their comment with this platform. Then I set my sights on getting a sidebar. Because my store’s blog doesn’t have a built-in sidebar, I had to outsource coding to get it installed as I wanted.
So take a look at the sidebar on the right (on a computer) or below (for mobile). You can now sign up for email notifications of new blog posts, search all our previous blog posts for keywords and you’ll see a slideshow of recent Instagram posts. Below our bio link, there’s a list of the most frequently used tags we put on our posts, and below that 10 (of the many) blogs we follow regularly and recommend you check out too.
Give it a shot: do a word search, click on a few categories. This is how you can easily find what you’re looking for here. We hope this sidebar is helpful to you, folks. Make good use of it. It’s here for you.