2024 M&T Live Event

2024 M&T Live Event

$ 35.00

Note: This event occurred live on Saturday, September 21st, 2024. Even though questions are no longer being taken, the event is still available for purchase with immediate viewing.

*(After your order is complete, you will be emailed an invitation to begin viewing the event. This typically takes a few minutes.)

We get lots of requests from readers to visit our homebase in rural Maine. They want to hang out and talk shop. They want to see our workbenches and our hand-hewn blacksmith shop. They want to tour our ongoing House By Hand restoration project. And they always bring up the historic Jonathan Fisher furniture collection nearby. Unfortunately, we rarely are able to accommodate these individual requests.

But to satisfy our readers’ interest, M&T founder Joshua Klein hosted an online M&T Livestream Event on September 21st 2024. In these previously recorded livestream videos, you can follow along as he brings you behind the scenes of all things M&T. He takes you through the historic house reconstruction, showing you how we’re restoring it. He takes you through the Carpenters Without Borders timber-frame blacksmith shop, as well as our M&T woodshop from the early 1800s. And he’ll gives a guided tour through the historic Jonathan Fisher house, showing you the guts of the furniture he researched for his first book, Hands Employed Aright. He also answers the questions from the original participants of the event. 

If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to come hang out at the M&T headquarters, this online Live Event is the thing for you.