The Nature and Art of Workmanship
By: David Pye
We at M&T have long been inspired by the work of David Pye. His arguments and distinctions on the nature of craftsmanship are both clear and controversial. But why are these thoughts on the essence of skill and of tools, encapsulated in his classic The Nature and Art of Workmanship, such hot-button topics among woodworkers and artisans? What gets everyone so fired up about this book?
If you don’t know, you should probably read it for yourself.
Many folks have strong opinions about Pye’s concepts of “the workmanship of risk” and “the workmanship of certainty,” but often those opinions are based upon an inaccurate understanding of what his book actually says. To get the unfiltered, unvarnished view of what David Pye actually thought and wrote, you have to go straight to the source. And since we think that is so important, we’ve decided to offer his book for sale in our store.
From unique insights into the nature of “free workmanship,” where the outcome is unregulated by the tool and shows precision only as far as the skill of the worker permits, to careful thoughts on regulated or “jigged” tools, where part of the design ensures a predictable outcome, Pye looks at many different trades and arts in his exploration. Earthenware pots, a blacksmith’s tongs, even an early Argus 400 computer (among many other examples) are considered for both their highly regulated traits as well as the freehand, creative aspects. Every layer of Pye’s argument is richly textured, drawing from the broad perspective he possessed as both scholar and craftsman. His work is perhaps more relevant today than ever before.
8-1/4” x 11”. Softcover. Published by The Herbert Press, London. 1995. Printed and bound in Great Britain. 144 Pages.