This blog post should have been titled “In the Groove” but I just couldn’t quite get myself to do it. But in the groove, we are. Mike and I have been plugging away at the first batch of these Issues 1-10 Boxed Sets, and now have all the stock worked out and the joinery underway. We’ll be busy dovetailing and rabbeting tomorrow. I’m curious to see how far we get in one day’s work. Batch work is good for growing in patience because everything in me wants to get the thing assembled as soon as possible. But batch work is lots of the same and success is incremental. Then, before we know it, we’ll have finished boxes stacking up all over the place around here.
The custom branding iron with our pyramidal logo is on the way. We think this will add a snazzy touch to the fore-planed sides. The whole aesthetic of this thing is a combination of tidy (but not showy) joinery in the context of toolmark-heavy boards. It’s exactly what we try to do with the magazine. We scrutinize and agonize over every little detail in the magazine as we present the rough-hewn and pragmatic pre-industrial craftsmanship of the past. It’s an interesting mash-up of values. But there it is.
Folks have already been emailing enthusiastically about these boxes. Thank you all. Truly. We’ll have an announcement later this week about ordering details and a final price. We’ll be sending out an email to our mailing list first so that those folks get first dibs, but we’ll also put a notice on the blog shortly thereafter. So, if want to make sure to get one, you might want to sign up for the mailing list at the bottom of this page now. It won’t be bargain priced, but it will be a once-in-a-lifetime offering.
– Joshua
p.s. Issue Ten is arriving in mailboxes now! We absolutely love hearing from excited readers.