We just got some new stickers in the other day! Two designs this go-around. The first is a die-cut profile of my fore plane with an abbreviated saying from technology scholar John Culkin: “Our Tools Shape Us.” If you’ve read through Issue Ten, you’ll know that this was the theme that wove those articles together. As we use our tools to shape the world, our tools influence us and ultimately shape our perspective on the world. Not sure what I mean? I recommend reading my article in that issue called “Ready Hands” for further explanation. The second sticker is based on a quote from John Ruskin’s The Seven Lamps of Architecture: “Therefore, when we build, let us think that we...
Each new run of M&T merchandise (shirts, stickers, etc.) is a unique design. At any given time, we’ve usually got a few ideas in the pipeline. In fact, I’m currently working on a new sticker which we hope to release in the next few weeks. This approach makes more work for us, but the tradeoff is that it keeps the merchandise fresh and interesting. We do our best to guess the level of interest so that anyone who wants one can get one. Every once in a while, though, we underestimate. Our “Incite Craft” sticker back in 2019 was one of those items. Because it went so quick, we recently decided to order another small run. You can stick these...
The new sticker just arrived in the mail yesterday. This 4.25” x 2.75” sticker features the same Roman woodworker that is on our new t-shirt (which is still being shipped for free through this Friday, by the way). The sticker is $3 in our store. It seems to be an item folks like throwing into the cart with DVDs or mags that they order. If you’re not looking to order anything else, we’ll still take orders for just a sticker. But what does “Craftsmanship is Risk” mean, exactly? It’s not news that the term “workmanship of risk” has made David Pye famous in woodworking circles. The term was coined by Pye in the mid 20th century to describe workmanship that depends...